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Hello! I’m April, an aspiring novelist who works in the social sector. Over the past fifteen years of wrangling syntax and structure by night and wrangling stakeholders in mission-driven orgs by day— I’ve noticed that the social sector is generally awful at storytelling.

This is a pretty existential problem, given that social sector orgs purportedly exist to provide some social value proposition—or in other words, a story of the problem at hand, what they do about the problem, and how what they do will change things for the better.

In this newsletter, I’ll dive into real examples of storytelling, from both the social and corporate sectors. I’ll explore how these orgs construct story arcs and narrative voices. I’ll explore their word choices and use of data. I’ll explore how they balance explicit and implicit storytelling. Ultimately, I hope Little Tiger will provoke thought about how the stuff we say can better serve the good work we do.

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Also, if you’re at a social sector org that wants more hands-on help with your storytelling, check out ltstrategicstories.com.

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Subscribe to Little Tiger Story Circle

Stories about good work. An earnest examination of how we talk and think about what we do in the social sector.